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W poszczególnych dziedzinach działalności gospodarczej, społecznej i środowiskowej postęp określony ramami Strategii Lizbońskiej jest bardzo zróżnicowany. W niniejszej książce, która jest rezultatem prac nauczycieli... czytaj dalej
Lewicki, Barry, Saunders, and Minton's: Essentials of Negotiations, 3e is a short paperback derivative from the main text, Negotiation. It explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining... czytaj dalej
The art and science of business valuation is currently undergoing a huge transformation and is facing new and important challenges. The Handbook of Business Valuation and Intellectual Property Analysis provides... czytaj dalej
For Introduction to Game Industry and Introduction to Game Production courses.With coherent coverage of complex topics, this text offers an overview of how the game industry works and describes how games are... czytaj dalej
#8220;The business environment is so uncertain that no can afford to miss a step. Some forces are out of out control#8211;recessions, cutbacks, layoffs. But being the best we can be at our job is not. We have... czytaj dalej
A classic work completely updated and revised Corporate restructurings are again a powerful business reality in the early 00s. Now, the definitive source and bestselling guide to the ins-and-outs of the subject... czytaj dalej
The book is a step-by-step guide to derivative products. By distilling the complex mathematics and theory that underlie the subject, Chisholm explains derivative products in straightforward terms, focusing... czytaj dalej
A comprehensive look at hedge fund performance issues In Evaluating Hedge Fund Performance, Dr. Vinh Tran gives readers the information they need to construct an efficient hedge fund portfolio based on their... czytaj dalej
This text has continued to make its mark through its hands-on how-to approach to learning the essential business communication topics. It continues its emphasis on technology and work-team communication with... czytaj dalej
A practical and concise approach to analyzing and managing risk in projects ... czytaj dalej