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Balance of Payments Analysis of Developing Economies
O. Adedeji Wydawnictwo: inne

Developing countries - given their extreme economic vulnerability - are likely to be better served by maintaining flexible exchange rate regimes. That is the finding of this informative and enlightening book... czytaj dalej

Manager to CEO
W. Vieira Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is an intelligent manager's guide to understanding and surviving in the corporate environment. Filled with practical tips, insightful discussions and advice, the book provides a new perspective on progress... czytaj dalej

Economic Geographies
R. Hudson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'The social and political power of the verity that there are no such things as economies, only economic geographies demands an analysis of the complex flows and relations implied by it. At last, here is a... czytaj dalej

Deadline How Premier Organisations Win Race Against Time
Carrison Wydawnictwo: inne

Deadline! presents adventure stories for today#8217;s warp-speed business environment#8212;dramatic case studies of how nine well-known organizations successfully managed to meet critical, seemingly impossible... czytaj dalej

Marketing Sales & Customer Service
Watkins Wydawnictwo: inne

Selling through service is a concept no business can ignore. This book examines the advances made within the financial services industry by repositioning products, revolutionizing the way in which the industry... czytaj dalej

Creating Environmental Business
Stephen Poltorzycki Wydawnictwo: inne

This book examines the 'two shades of green' that are business and values. While the former constitutes the colour of money as a means of measuring business value; the later concerns those things a company... czytaj dalej

DNA of Marketing
I. Kalb Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Business people at every level will benefit from this scientific approach to the basics of marketing. Information on the seven fundamental building blocks of marketing, such as product price, the distribution... czytaj dalej

Workforce Scorecard
Huselid Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In a marketplace fueled by intangible assets, anything less than optimal workforce success can threaten a firmżs survival. Yet in most organizations, employee performance is both poorly managed and underutilized... czytaj dalej

Classics in Risk Management 2 vols
Viscusi Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Major government entities, banking and finance, insurance in particular and manufacturing and distribution entities would get clear value from these two fine reference works. They obviously have a major place... czytaj dalej

Governance International Perspective 2 vols
Denis Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'. . . essential reference books for anybody wishing to have a good knowledge of this research field. Excellent reading for researchers.'- Gestion 2000'. . . for those deeply interested in corporate governance... czytaj dalej