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The purpose of this book is to provide a clear and concise guide to the key elements of Essential Evidence. The books in the Cavendish Essential series are intended as a helpful revision aid for the law student... czytaj dalej
The Cranial Nerves expertly illustrates the features of these nerves. Beginning with a useful review of cranial nerve basics, this new atlas includes 204 detailed, original photos of cranial nerve structures... czytaj dalej
A synthesis of one of mankind#8217;s oldest existing secular brotherhoods. It is designed for the initiated and for newcomers interested in gaining a better understanding of this fascinating but often misrepresented society. ... czytaj dalej
From the frock coats of Gainsborough#8217;s portraits to the city workers#8217; two-piece suits, the structure of men#8217;s clothing after 1800 seemed to favor uniformity over variety. But a closer look reveals... czytaj dalej
Der zweite und abschließende Teil der ťDie Frühen Römischen HistorikerŤ enthält die Überreste von neun Autoren aus dem Zeitraum vom ausgehenden 2. Jahrhundert v.Chr. bis zum Ende der Republik. Die römische... czytaj dalej
The Commerzbank in Frankfurt, designed by Sir Norman Foster and completed in May 1997, is the tallest building in Europe. Unlike most high-rise office buildings, it receives natural daylight and ventilation... czytaj dalej
NEW TO THE 23rd edition: Review questions in USMLE format included in each chapter
Focuses on the concepts in microbiology that are essential to the diagnosis of clinical infections
Features ...
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A troubled peace with France means that in the harbours and estuaries around England, the royal fleet has been left to rot. Even a frigate captain as famous as Richard Bolitho is forced to swallow his pride... czytaj dalej
The murder of two clam fishermen off the island of Pellestrina, south of the Lido on the Venetian lagoon, draws Commissario Brunetti into the island's close-knit community, bound together by a code of loyalty... czytaj dalej
Climbers who court danger in the worlds highest places risk far more than just their own skins. When tragedy strikes, what happens to the people who love them? Why would anyone choose to invest in a future... czytaj dalej