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The Soviet massacre of Polish prisoners of war at Katyn and in other camps in 1940 was one of the most notorious incidents of the Second World War. The truth about the massacres was long suppressed, both by... czytaj dalej
For seven decades Katharine Hepburn played a leading role in the popular culture of the twentieth century - reigning as an admired actress, a beloved movie star, and a treasured icon of the modern American... czytaj dalej
Organized along product lines, the book will analyze many of the original classes of structured assets, including mortgage- and asset-backed securities and strips, as well as the newest structured and synthetic... czytaj dalej
General relativity is a cornerstone of modern physics, and is of major importance in its applications to cosmology. Plebanski and Krasinski are experts in the field and here they provide a thorough introduction... czytaj dalej
They say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it is not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance. There are some situations where the correct response is to display the sort of ignorance which happily... czytaj dalej
Kinky leaves the city to retreat his family's Texas ranch, but the local justice of the peace convinces him to help investigate whether the recent deaths of four old ladies might have a sinister connection.... czytaj dalej
When John Ruskin disparaged the Crystal Palace as 'a great cucumber frame', he hit upon a truism. Representing the zenith of Victorian glasshouses, the Crystal Palace epitomized a building type that had been... czytaj dalej
Pierre Koenig (b. 1925) is a leading figure of the Modern Movement in America, and a guiding influence in the ... czytaj dalej
Managing a medicines budget has become increasingly complicated with factors such as rising costs and the constant supply of new drugs. This co-publication by BMJ Books and Pharmaceutical Press encompasses... czytaj dalej
Highlights key facts the candidate should understand for postgraduate examinations - information about history taking, examination procedure, relevant investigations, helpful hints, aides memoire, useful lists... czytaj dalej