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Das Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaft verfolgt das Ziel, betriebswirtschaftliche Grundbegriffe präzise und aktuell zu erläutern. Es werden neben den Begriffen der Allgemeinen Betriebswirtschaftslehre auch Begriffe... czytaj dalej
This updated guide of Vietnam captures a country which is now firmly back on the tourist and business map. It has much to offer and is tipped to be the new tourist destination of the region, welcoming 60,000... czytaj dalej
The essays in this volume provide a comparative study of national policies towards the United Nations. Eight cases have been selected: Algeria, Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands, Nigeria, the United Kingdom... czytaj dalej
IPv6 scales up to support new services that require a very large addressing space; it is positioned to provide the infrastructure for a world where mobile devices, home appliances, and phones will each have... czytaj dalej
In this wonderful book, the famous scientist and best-selling author, Konrad Lorenz, 'the man who talked with animals', enlightens and entertains us with his illustrated account of the unique relationship between... czytaj dalej
Containing over 650 photographs and diagrams, this lavishly illustrated and entirely original sourcebook on Western and non-Western theatre is an inspiring tribute to the secret art of the performer. Revised... czytaj dalej
This 1867 landmark book represents the first systematic effort to collect and preserve the songs sung by the plantation slaves of the Old South. Most of the 130 songs, arranged by geographic area, were recorded... czytaj dalej
At Bagley Hall, a notoriously wild, but increasingly academic, independent, crammed with the children of the famous, trouble is afoot. The ambitious and fatally attractive headmaster, Hengist Brett-Taylor,... czytaj dalej
Paul Hirst was one was one of the most original thinkers of his generation. This book is being published post-humously after his tragic death in 2003. Written with verve and lucidity, it is a scholarly account... czytaj dalej
The first official book highlighting the Bond girl phenomenon, by a Bond girl. How has the iconic status of the Bond girl endured for so long? Bond Women will explore how the archetype of the 'Bond girl' has... czytaj dalej