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Molecular biology is a fast-paced field that constantly provides new insights into the living world and the role of humans within it. Students and professionals need a clear understanding of new discoveries... czytaj dalej
An updated version of the traditional alphabet jump-rope rhyme introduces youngsters to new friends from around the world, from Alex and Angie in Alabama to Zelma and Zoe in Zambia, in a fun-filled rhyme that... czytaj dalej
Meet John and Phillippa Grant. After discovering that they are descendants of a long line of Djinn, these 12-year-old twins suddenly find themselves capable of granting wishes, making objects disappear, and... czytaj dalej
In June 1861, when the Civil War began, Charley Goddard left his farm and enlisted in the First Minnesota Volunteers. He was fifteen. He didn't rightly know what a 'shooting war' meant, or what he was fighting... czytaj dalej
The 2nd edition of The Futures Bond Basis, is an updated and revised version of Professor Moorad Choudhry's succinct but in-depth look at the government bond futures contract basis. It includes essential background... czytaj dalej
Praise for Credit Risk Scorecards "Scorecard development is important to retail financial services in terms of credit risk management, Basel II compliance, and marketing of credit products. Credit Risk... czytaj dalej
This text concentrates on the major disorders of the gastrointestinal tract that present in primary care, reflecting the latest advances in understanding of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology, diagnosis and management.... czytaj dalej
Since the invention of the first working laser in 1960, development of these devices has progressed at an unprecedented rate, to the extent that the laser is now a common part of everyday life, from the semiconductor... czytaj dalej
Benjamin A. Valentino finds that ethnic hatreds or discrimination, undemocratic systems of government, and dysfunctions in society play a much smaller role in mass killing and genocide than is commonly assumed... czytaj dalej
The Henry Art Gallery at the University, of Washington in Seattle desperately needed transforming as it was overshadowed by the large buildings that surrounded it. The award-winning Gwathmey Siegel and Associates... czytaj dalej