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With the alchemy of great history, Susan Johnson transforms the familiar story of the Gold Rush into one that is sparkling and new. Our collective memory knows about the Gold Rush: the mid-nineteenth century... czytaj dalej
Photography Theory presents forty of the world's most active art historians and theorists, including Victor Burgin, Joel Snyder, Rosalind Krauss, Alan Trachtenberg, Geoffrey Batchen, Carol Squiers, Margaret... czytaj dalej
The cornerstone text in the popular series Medical Guides to Complementary and Alternative Medicine, edited by Dr Micozzi, Fundamentals of Complementary and Alternative Medicine returns fully updated and expanded... czytaj dalej
Advances in computer technology and in the development of modern microwave test instruments over the past decade have given electrical engineers, researchers and university students a number of new approaches... czytaj dalej
Measuring and Controlling Interest Rate and Credit Risk provides keys to using derivatives to control interest rate risk and credit risk, and controlling interest rate risk in a mortgage-backed securities derivative... czytaj dalej
The only book on the market that reviews the fundamental changes now sweeping through American business, details the elements for executive success in this changing environment and offers guidelines for a successful... czytaj dalej
In the last decade of Dryden's life, he brought four new works before the theatre-going public: a dramatic opera, a tragedy, a tragicomedy, and a number of appages to an old comedy by John Fletcher, which was... czytaj dalej
Jenifer Neils's study provides an in-depth examination of the frieze which decodes its visual language, but also analyzes its conception and design, style and content, and impact on the visual arts over time... czytaj dalej
Alan Bennett is the acknowledged master of the television play. This vintage collection of his work from the 1970s illustrates his skill and mastery of the medium from the beginning. Perceptive, poignant, truthful... czytaj dalej
In this quietly affecting story, award-winning author Hesse and artist Muth deftly capture the magnificence of a sudden rainstorm on a swelteringly hot day. Much more than a simple tale of weather, Come On... czytaj dalej