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Gustav Klimt, Mitbegründer der Wiener Secession, sorgte um 1900 für den Kunstskandal in Wien. Anlässlich der XIV. Ausstellung der Secession gestaltete er den berühmten Beethoven-Fries, eine Hommage an den Komponisten... czytaj dalej
La maison des morts, c'est le bagne de Sibérie ou Dostoievsky a purgé comme condamné politique une peine de quatre années de travaux forcés et de six ans de ' service militaire '. Mais la maison des morts,... czytaj dalej
For MBA and upper-level undergraduate courses in Leadership, Organizational Behavior, and Change.The goal of this book is to provide practical principles of leadership that get beneath the surface, that intend... czytaj dalej
In this new volume, Pulitzer Prize-winning Charles Simic fills the wee hours of his poetry with angels and pigs, riddles and cemeteries. With empty offices and dolls that smile. With the sound of bare feet... czytaj dalej
This two-volume reference, an extensively expanded and updated edition of the one-volume 1982 work, presents a comprehensive overview of contemporary Christianity in all its many versions and in both its religious... czytaj dalej
Every so often, a startling book emerges that gives voice to a new or previously unexamined societal trend. Alan M. Dershowitz's provocative new work, "Preemption", is just such a book, chronicling... czytaj dalej
Between 1977 and 1985, some 20,000 Ethiopian Jews left their homes in Ethiopia and - motivated by an ancient dream of returning to the land of their ancestors, 'Yerussalem' - embarked on a secret and highly... czytaj dalej
Negotiating an International Master Franchising Agreement provides a comprehensive guide to the structuring and negotiation of domestic and international franchising arrangements throughout the world. Based... czytaj dalej
This book comes out of need and urgency (expressed especially in areas of Information Retrieval with respect to Image, Audio, Internet and Biology) to have a working tool to compare data. The book will provide... czytaj dalej
Now available in paperback. When law student Jack Mullen tries to learn the details of the last night of his brother Peter's life on East Hampton, Jack confronts the paid protectors of the rich--and learns... czytaj dalej