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Książka zawiera informacje przydatne dla firm, instytucji i organizacji, które planują szkolenie własnych menedżerów, specjalistów i pracowników różnych szczebli, uznając uczenie się ustawiczne za warunek własnego... czytaj dalej
The most comprehensive, up-to-date, and readable introduction to biological anthropology and human evolution. Over 30% of the references are from 2000 or later. Humankind Emerging tells the story of how, when... czytaj dalej
Focusing on shareholder wealth maximization, international aspects of financial management, ethics, and the impact of the Internet, this introductory textbook covers: determinants of value; capital investment... czytaj dalej
For introductory courses in world history. The World gives students the whole story. It is a new kind of history text - not just a collection of facts and figures. World renowned historian, world respected... czytaj dalej
After a lifetime of persecution Andrey Platonov (1899-1951) has emerged as one of the greatest writers of this century, an artist of profound genius, integrity and clarity of vision. Today he is venerated in... czytaj dalej
Ricardo Bofill (Barcelona, 1939) has shaped the character of his work through his revaluation of the aesthetic function of each construction, of its relationship with its context and in particular of its relation... czytaj dalej
A review of basic arithmetic precedes clear explanations of how nurses need to apply mathematics in modern clinical practice. This study guide teaches an especially easy approach to solving the proportion problems... czytaj dalej
"Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry, 3rd Edition (COMC-III)", is aimed at the specialist and non-specialist alike. It covers the major developments in the field in a carefully presented way with... czytaj dalej
Intra-Asian trade is a major theme of recent writing on Asian economic history. From the second half of the nineteenth century, intra-Asian trade flows linked Asia into an integrated economic system, with reciprocal... czytaj dalej
Deals with children who experience problems paying attention, controlling their emotions and physical actions and acting without forethought. Helps parents and professionals to accept the hyperactive child's... czytaj dalej