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1001 ogrodów
Rae Spencer- Jones Wydawnictwo: Muza

.1001 ogrodów, które warto w życiu zobaczyć to książka pełna cudownych przykładów odwiecznego i uporczywego pragnienia ludzkości, by tworzyć barwne, wonne i odprężające przybytki żywego piękna, zwane ogrodami... czytaj dalej

Tongue in Cheek
Walker Wydawnictwo: inne

From the very first day that they move to the Oddlode Valley, Mo, Diana and Anke find themselves on a relocation collision course. As inept removal men deliver furniture to the wrong houses, saucier moves are being made........ czytaj dalej

Multinational Firms & the Theory of International Trade
A. Markusen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Despite the great importance of multinational firms in international economics, theoretical and empirical research on these firms has generally been conducted separately from that on international trade. In... czytaj dalej

With Courage & Common Sense
S. Albert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Women who were 60 or older at the turn of the 21st century have lived through some of recent history's most momentous moments - and yet these women often believe that their personal lives and stories are insignificant... czytaj dalej

Secret Lives of Teachers
B. Moses Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A humorous collection of poems about the sort of things children imagine teachers do in their spare time and behind the classroom door. Brian Moses's work has also appeared in titles such as "Snoggers"... czytaj dalej

Little Lady Agency
Browne Wydawnictwo: inne

When sweet, naive Melissa seeks a job with her old Home Economics teacher she is half way through the interview before it dawns on her that Mrs McKinnon isn't interested in her cookery skills, but is in fact... czytaj dalej

Type 2 Diabetes in Practice
A. Krentz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This title is recommended to all those involved in the management of type 2 diabetes: hospital diabetes specialist physicians, primary care physicians and all members of the diabetes care team such as diabetes... czytaj dalej

Vitamin Responsive Conditions in Paediatric Neurology
Baxter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book, the latest in the International Child Neurology Review series, is the first authoritative synthesis of the role of vitamin treatments in children with neurological disorders. It covers all the conditions... czytaj dalej

Lichtbilder Die Polaroids
A. Tarkovskij Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Polaroids haben etwas ähnlich Magisches wie alte, verblichene Familienphotos oder Bilder, die nur vage in unserer Erinnerung existieren. Wie aus dem Nichts auftauchend, halten sie doch für den Bruchteil eines... czytaj dalej

Deutsche Biog.Enzy. 1
W. Killy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Dictionary of German Biography provides information in a single alphabetical sequence on some 60,000 significant personalities from across the whole German-speaking region, from the early days of written... czytaj dalej