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When Napoleon I first came to power in 1799 as First Consul of France, he modeled his new regime on the Roman Republic. When he was declared Emperor in 1804, the model changed from the Roman Republic to the... czytaj dalej
In another thrilling Richard Bolitho adventure, the navy prepares for action at sea against a growing fleet of American and French privateers, as the American Revolution rages on the mainland.... czytaj dalej
For courses in Genetics found in biological sciences, agriculture, forestry, and health sciences. Essentials of Genetics presents a succinct overview of the discipline with balanced coverage of both classical... czytaj dalej
The most important approaches in the current discussion on linguistic discourse analysis according to Foucault are described in this anthology. The volume covers the theory of discourse as an overall text structure... czytaj dalej
Der Band setzt die von Joachim Heinzle herausgegebene "Geschichte der deutschen Literatur von den Anfängen bis zum Beginn der Neuzeit" fort. Erstmals in der Geschichte des Fachs wird in dieser Monographie... czytaj dalej
Anspruchsvolle Theorie mit spannender Praxis: Das ist die sechste Auflage von Majers Makroökonomik. Mehr denn je ästellt diese originelle Einführung eine Bereicherung des Lehrangebots, für manchen wahrscheinlich... czytaj dalej
When a half-drowned elf is found floating in the seas of the Blue Divide, an old mystery resurfaces. Thirty years ago, an elven prince led an expedition in search of a legendary magic said to be more powerful... czytaj dalej
First published in 1979, this volume introduces a cultural factor to theories of consumption. The World of Goods goes beyond standard economic analyses, which rely on theories of individual psychology. Douglas... czytaj dalej
Davis offers a no-holds-barred biography the only marine in history ever to win five Navy Crosses.... czytaj dalej
Dictionary of the Middle Ages" has been adapted to address the needs of younger students in four volumes. Topics were selected for their relevance to the school curriculum, their historical and multicultural... czytaj dalej