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For introductory Operations Management course in undergraduate and MBA programs. This highly respected text integrates a process approach. Unique Value Proposition: Authorship!This highly respected text integrates... czytaj dalej
As long as the people of Pern could remember, the Holds had protected them from Thread, the deadly silver strands that fell from the sky and ravaged the land. In exchange for sanctuary in the huge stone fortresses... czytaj dalej
Winner of the 1961 National Book AwardThe dazzling novel that established Walker Percy as one of the major voices in Southernliterature is now available for the first time in Vintage paperback.The Moviegoer... czytaj dalej
Considers the needs of prospective multiple-birth parents. ... czytaj dalej
Examines the literary and social significance of Walt Whitman's career as a nurse during the American Civil War. The text shows how the concept of "convalescence" in 19th-century medicine and philosophy... czytaj dalej
The updated 8th edition of this classic reference provides a visually-oriented presentation of dental macromorphology and evidence-based chronologies of the human dentitions, while reflecting definitive shifts... czytaj dalej
A vivid and comprehensive record of Henry Moore's life and work, of the influences that shaped his vision, and of his reactions to the work of other artists, periods and cultures. Spanning some 70 years, Moore's... czytaj dalej
When was the last time you saw the beauty in everyday objects? If you're like most people, you probably haven't paid much attention. To change all that, the authors of Extra-Ordinary spotlight the simplest... czytaj dalej
Słowniki synonimów pomagają piszącym uniknąć monotonii stylistycznej i wyrażać myśli trafnie i precyzyjnie. Jeśli szukamy słowa, które najlepiej oddaje jakąś myśl, to poszukajmy go w Słowniku synonimów polskich... czytaj dalej
Jeśli chcesz wiedzieć więcej, koniecznie zajrzyj do tej encyklopedii z serii BIBLIOTEKA ODKRYWCÓW. Znajdziesz w niej ponad 1500 wspaniałych ilustracji i wiele informacji o naszym zadziwiającym świecie.... czytaj dalej