This story centers around Kazuki's "friend," Kyou Sakurai, who is unceremoniously pushed by Kazuki into a portal to hell. There, Kyou meets a man who is the vessel to the Death Tunnel - responsible for sending people to hell. The man offers Kyou power to get revenge against Kazuki, but there is only one way to accomplish that...
Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2005-01-08
Kategoria: Komiksy
Liczba stron: 186
Madoka Mitsuru (Enman to his coworkers) is an rough ex-yankee, so he's not really sure how he got a job at a prestigious company. He works in "the harem"...
Teruya has been in love with his teacher and local temple priest, Karou-sensei, since he was seven. But sensei just won't believe him! What will it take to get his attention?...
Przeczytane:2016-10-08, Ocena: 4, Przeczytałam,