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Early Medieval Architecture
Roger Stalley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Książka opisuje architekturę wczesnego średniowiecza, przedstawia wspaniałe osiągnięcia architektoniczne.... czytaj dalej

Painter IX Creativity
Jeremy Sutton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Painter X Creativity is a comprehensive creative guide to Corel's Painter X Software. It explains the basics of setting up, understanding, customizing, and applying Painter to create original works, paintings... czytaj dalej

Logos Logo Identity Brand Culture
L. Morgan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Includes case studies from international designers' work on logos. ... czytaj dalej

Pub Scene
J. Peyton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The pub scene across the world is characterised by its casual warmth and conviviality. It has none of the pretences or formality of a restaurant or cocktail bar. It is the relaxed setting in which friends and... czytaj dalej

Lighting Design Basics
M. Karlen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Lighting is a basic, yet difficult-to-master, element of interior design, and Lighting Design Basics provides the information you need in a concise, highly visual format. Two leading designers, both with decades... czytaj dalej

Building 3000 Years of Design Engineering & Constructio
Addis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From Egypt and Classical Greece and Rome through the building booms of the Gothic era and the Renaissance, and from the Industrial Revolution to the present era of digital modeling, "Building: 3,000 Years... czytaj dalej

Salk Institute
Louis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The 'Architecture in Detail' series comprises books that focus on individual buildings noted for their exceptional character, innovative design or technical virtuosity. Each volume contains a text by a respected... czytaj dalej

Inclusive Urban Design
E. Burton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the first book to address the design needs of older people in the outdoor environment. It provides information on design principles essential to built environment professionals who want to provide for... czytaj dalej

Madulin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This reference work gives comprehensive coverage of the biology and control of African, Asian and South American trypanosomiasis in man and animals. It describes recent research developments in the biology... czytaj dalej

Inspiration = Ideas Creative Sourcebook for Graphic Designer
Vrontikis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the modern world it seems that only the freshest designs get noticed, while dominating trends and carbon-copy successes can often trap designers into "been there, done that" mediocrity. The first... czytaj dalej