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Atlas dostosowany do wszystkich podręczników gimnazjalnych, realizuje złożenia podstawy programowej, za pomocą diagramów, wykresów i tabel oddaje w przejrzysty sposób problematykę społeczno-gospodarczą, ponad... czytaj dalej
Specjaliści z najlepszego w Europie miesięcznika dla majsterkowiczów "Selber Machen" ("Zrób to sam") pokazują Wam, jak majsterkować przy użyciu najnowszych wyrobów i narzędzi. Krok po kroku... czytaj dalej
This is a wide-ranging deconstruction of the system of column and beam known as the 'orders of architecture'. The book traces the powerful and persistent analogy between columns and/or buildings and the human body.... czytaj dalej
How can you achieve visual elegance in designs when faced with mountains of copy? With wit and pithy commentary from professionals at the coal face of design, Size Matters tackles the many problems facing designers... czytaj dalej
For most of us, a treehouse brings back childhood memories and feelings of nostalgia. Incorporating unique building methods to adapt to their living arboreal environs, treehouses have undergone few transformations... czytaj dalej
This text uses the foundations of the wellness movementżresponsibility for oneself, behavior change and risk reduction, and health-care consumer awarenessżto introduce students to the content needed for today's... czytaj dalej
An easy-to-use guide to building codes for elementary and secondary schools The construction industry is evolving a single set of international building codes. Now, more than ever, architects need an interpretive... czytaj dalej
If you are looking for an innovative way to improve athletic performance on the court or field, vision training may be the answer. SportsVision: Training for Better Performance introduces a dynamic program... czytaj dalej
Dr Khan was probably the greatest architectural engineer of the 2nd half of the 20th century. He revolutionized the design and construction of tall buildings through his invention of the "braced tubular... czytaj dalej
Branding a new identity is a daunting challenge, but redesigning identity is even more difficult. The designer must reveal the client company's new inner self in a way that underscores both the benefits of... czytaj dalej