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What does a gourmet/specialty food shop look like? Does it look like a Tuscan salumeria or an elegant Parisian fashion boutique? It looks like both and all the shades and variations between the two. With shoppers... czytaj dalej
If you're searching for a font that goes beyond the norm, these books are for you. Today's computers provide a selection of fonts that serve reasonably well for workaday letters and publications, but have become... czytaj dalej
For designers working in every medium, layout is arguable the most basic and most important element. Effective layout is essential to communication and enables the end user to not only be drawn in with an innovative... czytaj dalej
The fields of food microbiology and food process engineering encompass a wide variety of microorganisms including spoilage, probiotic, fermentative, and pathogenic bacteria, molds, yeasts, viruses, and parasites... czytaj dalej
Sophocles innovative plays transformed Greek myths into dramas featuring complex human characters, through which he explored profound moral issues. Electra portrays the grief of a young woman for her father... czytaj dalej
The murder of brutal landowner Fyodor Karamazov changes the lives of his sons irrevocably: Mitya, the sensualist, whose bitter rivalry with his father immediately places him under suspicion for parricide Ivan... czytaj dalej
Komentarz do zbiorowego prawa pracy zawiera opracowanie pięciu podstawowych ustaw regulujących kolektywne stosunki pracy. Zostały w nim przedstawione regulacje prawne dotyczące: rad pracowników, związków zawodowych... czytaj dalej
Stan prawny: październik 2007... czytaj dalej
Part of a series of technically informative monographs embracing a broad spectrum of internationally renowned buildings. This work deals with Barnsdall (Hollyhock) House, and includes the architect's drawing... czytaj dalej
Post-Yom Kippur War, Israel purchased the F-15 Eagle, the then world's best air-to-air fighter, in an effort to prevent another surprise attack from the air. For the first time in its history the IDF/AF operated... czytaj dalej