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My Painted House My Friendly & Me
M. Courtney-Clarke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Full color photographs. 'Hello, Stranger-Friend' begins Maya Angelou's story about Thandi, a South African Ndebele girl, her mischievous brother, her beloved chicken, and the astonishing mural art produced... czytaj dalej

Historic Preservation
N. Tyler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work is a reference book for both the beginning and experienced preservationists, and an introduction for the interested layperson. Through case studies it presents a range of topics relating to the preservation... czytaj dalej

On Science
B. Ridley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Can science explain everything? Brian Ridley, a physicist himself, explores this question and more in this compelling exploration of both the scope and limits of science. Tracing back to the roots of scientific... czytaj dalej

Technological Resources & Logic of Corporate Diversification
Silverman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This impressive book sees the author applying and extending the resource based view of the firm to explain and predict the strategy of corporate diversification.Technological Resources and the Logic of Corporate... czytaj dalej

Mozart Season
Virginia Wolff Euwer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

When 12-year-old Allegra learns that she will spend her summer studying Mozart's Fourth Violin Concerto in preparation for a young musician's competition, she knows she must make sacrifices. Is this what she... czytaj dalej

Let's Read About Abraham Lincoln
Sonia Black Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Young readers will find themselves engrossed in history, as they see and read about the important figures of our time in this series of beginning biographies. Full-color depictions of place and events, and... czytaj dalej

Just Wacky
Griffiths Wydawnictwo: brak danych

From the author of classics Just Annoying!, Just Disgusting!, and Just Crazy! comes another riveting tale of stupidity and hilarity about the boy who strives to become the most annoying kid in the world. If... czytaj dalej

Ripley's Believ It or Not! Special Edition 2004
Packard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Ripley's Believe it Or Not! Ž 2004 is filled with hundreds of the latest fab facts, amazing acts, obscure oddities and much, much more...This must-have for collectors comes complete w/ full-color photos and... czytaj dalej

Jigsaw Jones #25 Case of the Vanishing Painting
J. Preller Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Early chapter book readers figure things out along with clever, dependable, puzzle-crazy Jigsaw Jones. With the help of his Top Secret Detective Journal and his ace partner, Mila, Jigsaw is hot on the trail... czytaj dalej

Bionicle Adventures #6 Maze of Shadows
Farshtey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Toa Metru must overcome danger on their journey that they could never anticipate. What unforeseen savages will they meet on their path to the fallen City of Legends as the try to rescue the Matoran from... czytaj dalej