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Lavishly illustrated with beautiful photographs and original plans, "Damascus" provides for the first time in English a compelling and unique exploration of a fascinating city. "Damascus"... czytaj dalej
Up to date and comprehensive, the New Edition of Fletcher's renowned Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors provides you with today's best knowledge on the pathologic diagnosis of human tumors. This 3rd edition... czytaj dalej
Astrophysics: Decoding the Cosmos is an accessible introduction to the key principles and theories underlying astrophysics. This text takes a close look at the radiation and particles that we receive from... czytaj dalej
Structured Products Volume 2 consists of 5 Parts and 21 Chapters covering equity derivatives (including equity swaps/options, convertible securities and equity linked notes) , commodity derivatives (including... czytaj dalej
"This intellectually powerful and highly original book examines Roman expansion through the lens of public lawmaking, the process of negotiation and debate by which citizen assemblies resolved conflict... czytaj dalej
Evan swallows a dollop of the goop known as Monster Blood and finds himself turning into a hulking giant. ... czytaj dalej
#8220;Jesus saves. Moses invests.#8221; #8220;Why spoil a good meal with a big tip?#8221; #8220;What did the Jewish mother ask her daughter when the daughter told her she had had an affair?#8212;#8216;Who catered... czytaj dalej
Sightwalk, Pinkhassov's first book, is more than just a book of photographs. It is also a beautiful object and an extraordinary piece of design, a modernist Japanese photo album created from Oriental fabrics... czytaj dalej
Updated to cover the functionality and ActionScripting changes that have come with the release of Flash MX Professional 2004, this edition brings moreclarity to the use of object-oriented programming for developing... czytaj dalej
A novel depicting the racial ferment in the beautiful country of South Africa in 1948. ... czytaj dalej