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Mowa ciała dla żółtodziobów
Peter A. Andersen Wydawnictwo:

Mowa ciała dla żółtodziobów Petera Andersena to przystępny przewodnik po zagadnieniu tyleż ostatnio popularnym, co powierzchownie traktowanym. Autor obala mity dotyczące mowy ciała, by na ich gruzach budować... czytaj dalej

In Pharaoh's Army
T. Wolff Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Having survived the childhood recorded in "This Boy's Life", Tobias Wolff finds himself serving in Vietnam and assigned to a unit in the Mekong Delta. Innocent, self-deluded but rapidly growing less... czytaj dalej

Business Accounting for Non-Specialists
C. Gowthorpe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Business Accounting and Finance for Non-specialists is aimed at non-specialist students of accounting and finance on a first course in the subject. It gives a lively and wide-ranging survey of the basic principles... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of Classical Hebrew v 2
Clines Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew': incorporates all Hebrew from the earliest times to c.200 CE; includes all the data from Ben Sira (Ecclesiasticus), the Dead Sea Scrolls and related texts, and the Hebrew... czytaj dalej

ECG in Clinical Decision Making
P. Davey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The ECG is one of the most fundamental tools used in medicine. This is a clinical overview of the role of the ECG in modern cardiology, highlighting its usefulness and limitations. Aimed primarily at students... czytaj dalej

Outback Australia TSK 3e
van Driesum Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Discover the real outback of Australia on the road trip of a lifetime. Whether it's driving the Canning Stock Route or racing a boat on dry land in Alice Springs, this guide will get you there and back again... czytaj dalej

First Years of Human Chromosomes
P. Harper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The year 2006 marks the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the human chromosome number. This book draws together the ground-breaking work of the main researchers in the key period 1955 to 1960. It is based... czytaj dalej

Africa Africa
M. Martin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

More than a lavishly illustrated thematic encyclopaedia, Africa Africa showcases the African people and their land. Despite the tragic wars that have been slashing the country for dozens of years, Africa keeps... czytaj dalej

Freier Warenverkehr & Nationale Regulungsgewalt
H. Weyer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Der Autor analysiert umfassend den Anwendungsbereich der zentralen Normen des EG-Vertrages zum freien Warenverkehr auf Grundlage der vielschichtigen Rechtsprechnung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes. Er zeichnet... czytaj dalej