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Best Jewish Writing
Kurzweil Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This third annual volume of 'Best Jewish Writing' marks the debut of a new editor, Arthur Kurzweil. It brings together the best work from across the spectrum of Jewish interest, including articles, essays,... czytaj dalej

Generating & Sustaining Nonprofit Earned Income
Oster Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Generating and Sustaining Nonprofit Earned Income is the essential hands-on guide for helping your organization achieve greater financial stability through a diversified stream of revenue. In collaboration... czytaj dalej

Vietnam Plays v.2 Streamers & the Orphan
D. Rabe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this volume, Streamers, the story of a group of paratroopers desperately attempting to cope with the chaos of their emotions when they are ordered to Vietnam, is paired with The Orphan, a brilliant synthesis... czytaj dalej

Massacre in Jedwabne July 10 1941 Before, During, After
Chodakiewicz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

On July 10, 1941, the Jewish inhabitants in the small Polish town of Jedwabne were massacred by German policemen and some Polish townsmen and peasants. Chodakiewicz provides us with a criminal investigation... czytaj dalej

I Am Rich Potosi Mountain That Eats Men
Stephen Ferry Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bolivia's Potosi mountain yielded more silver than any other mountain or region of the world. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, this wealth flowed through Spain into Europe and played a major role... czytaj dalej

Regulating Financial Services & Markets in 21st Century
Ferran Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book features essays on the reform and restructuring of financial markets in the 21st century, by leading British and American writers. ... czytaj dalej

Revise Key Topics In A2 Psychology
D. Dwyer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Following the successful format and style of Revise Psychology for AS Level (Brody and Dwyer), this book provides a readable revision guide focusing on the topics that research shows are most commonly taught... czytaj dalej

OECD & European Welfare States
K. Armingeon Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'. . . thanks to Klaus Armingeon and Michelle Beyeler the discussion on the role of the OECD in welfare policy has at last found a sound empirical basis. This is a very welcome contribution to a debate that... czytaj dalej

Słownik techniczny ang-pol i pol-ang
Karl-Heinz Seidel Wydawnictwo: Rea

Najbardziej aktualne źródło wiedzy o współczesnej terminologii technicznej. Zawiera słownictwo z ponad dwudziestu dziedzin nauki i techniki, a także słownictwo ogólne i ekonomiczno-prawnicze przydatne w pracy... czytaj dalej

Mandalowy alfabet pisma anielskiego
Lidia Verona Wydawnictwo: Studio Astropsychologii

Lady Pank przekonuje nas, że Aniołowie, jeśli tylko są, kryją się w metalowych bunkrach. Nie jest to do końca prawda. Dzięki tej książce możesz zaprosić je bowiem do swego życia. Kontakt z nimi może nawiązać... czytaj dalej