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Mountains of Madness
Long Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This extraordinary book is the first-person account of John Long's two unforgettable "summers" on the southern continent. Told in a highly accessible and entertaining style, "Mountains of Madness"... czytaj dalej

Principles of Physiology 3 ed.
R. Berne Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The new 4-color edition of Berne Levy's Principles of Physiology provides basic principles and clinically relevant information for medical students. This user-friendly resource helps students learn fundamental... czytaj dalej

British Empire & the Second World War
A. Jackson Wydawnictwo: inne

In 1939 Hitler went to war not just with Great Britain; he also went to war with the whole of the British Empire, the greatest empire that there had ever been. Because in the years since 1945 that empire has... czytaj dalej

MemoVet Praxis-Leitfaden Tiermedizin
U. Knickel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

MemoVet ist ein Kompendium, das aus der Praxis entstanden ist. In der nun vorliegenden vierten, überarbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage wurden vor allem die Änderungen im Bereich des Arzneimittelrechts berücksichtigt... czytaj dalej

Wenn Musik der Liebe Nahrung ist Spielt Weiter CD
W. Hosl Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"What#8217;s so fascinating with opera is the fact that it covers the entire range of emotions and the entire range of taste. Opera lives because it speaks to everyone, to the educated and uneducated,... czytaj dalej

On Histories & Stories
A. Byatt Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

As novelists become increasingly interested in history as fiction and fiction as history, this study is designed to redraw the map of the boundaries of modern fiction. In her opening essays - "Fathers"... czytaj dalej

Grantchester Grind
Tom Sharpe Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

The sequel to Porterhouse Blue takes us back to the hilarious goings-on at Porterhouse College. In the face of crisis, the instinct of the true Porterhouse man is to reach for the bottle#8230; or, fall back... czytaj dalej

ECDL4 the Complete Coursebook for MAC OSX
B. Munnelly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The only accredited complete coursebook for the new ECDL4 syllabus for Mac OSX, this coursebook offers the reader everything they need to pass the ECDL exam. By using case studies, practical examples and exercises... czytaj dalej

Routledge Atlas of American History
Gilbert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new edition presents a series of clear and detailed maps, accompanied by informative captions, facts, and figures, updated with additional maps and text. The complete history of America is unrolled through... czytaj dalej

Leading with Safety
Krause Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Building on years of research and experience in the field, Leading with Safety redefines organizational safety as an activity that both leads other performance areas and in turn must be led. Thomas Krause poses... czytaj dalej