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Essential America Narrative History vol.1
J. Shi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Essential America is a fundamentals version of the Tindall/Shi narrative packaged in an eye-popping, four-color design. The oversized page and double-column layout make the text accessible and highlight... czytaj dalej

Road That Is Not Road and Open City Ritoque Chile
Ann Pendleton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

foreword by Joseph Rykwert Several thousand miles south of the equator along the Pacific coast of South America, is the site of the Open City Amereida. It is a laboratory for thought and work, conceived and... czytaj dalej

Hot Topics in Infection & Immunity in Children
Pollard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Hot Topics in Infection and Immunity in Children brings together leading experts in the field to provide a current and authoritative view concerning the hottest topics of concern to clinicians caring for children... czytaj dalej

Ferris Differential Diagnosis
Ferri Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Here's a portable, concise guide to differential diagnosis for over 900 signs, symptoms and clinical disorders. Differential diagnoses are listed both by presenting sign or symptom and by clinical disorder... czytaj dalej

Description of Struggle
Michael March Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gathers together prose from ten countries which seek cultural integration with the rest of Europe and brings to the fore the vitality and range of fiction from these countries: Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia... czytaj dalej

C. De Lint Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cat Midhir has made a name for herself as the author of popular fantasy novels, but her fans do not know that Cat's mysterious Otherworld is no fantasy--it is a real place where she wanders at night with the... czytaj dalej

Official Guide to Body Massage
A. O Keefe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Whether studying or simply looking for a comprehensive reference book, The Official Guide to Body Massage is a complete learning companion and is the only qualification-focused guide endorsed by Habia #8211;... czytaj dalej

Politics in Europe
Donald Hancock Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Politics in Europe uses a strong analytic framework coupled with unparalleled country coverage to provide a friendly, yet rigorous introduction to the region. With more in-depth discussions of democratisation... czytaj dalej

Working With Type Exhibitions
R. Carter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An authoritative study on the use of computer-generated typography for exhibition and display design, establishing basic rules which must be mastered before they can be effectively broken. Includes a portfolio... czytaj dalej

Diagnostic Ultrasound
F. Kremkau Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Here's the New Editon of an outstanding source for basic knowledge about diagnostic sonography. The author is a renowned and accomplished expert and instructor in the field. Previous editions have achieved... czytaj dalej