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Discusses the ethical implications of modern technology and examines the responsibility of humanity for the fate of the world. ... czytaj dalej
What is a natural forest disturbance? How well do we understand them and how might we emulate them in forest management? What role does emulation play in forest management? Representing a range of geographic... czytaj dalej
When a young woman tumbles dead onto the beach, the police identify the body. It's Evan Delaney. Except that Evan is very much alive. It's her identity that has been stolen. And the thief has compromised more... czytaj dalej
This exciting new book examines the management of the new global enterprise. It aims to help managers with decisions associated with making their company into a global player and focuses specifically on integrating... czytaj dalej
The Jewish year is blessed with many holidays, and each one has its special food. From Rosh Hashanah to Shavuot, from the Seder meal to the Sabbath meal, food celebrates the season and commemorates the miraculous... czytaj dalej
Sweet and Maxwell 'Statutes' offer accurate and comprehensive coverage of all core and several popular optional subjects on current law courses. Compiled using data from 'WestlawUK', each text provides the... czytaj dalej
To tackle the complex problems of life today, we need to coordinate a wide range of expertise. Systems concepts and methods offer the means of integrating the contributions of specialists, including managers... czytaj dalej
Allein die Zeugnisse der Wandmalerei sind unter den Erscheinungsformen der höfischen Kultur des Mittelalters in aller Regel dort überliefert, wo sie erdacht, realisiert und gebraucht wurden - oder man kennt... czytaj dalej
Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are the detectives in the A to Z Mysteries, a series of mysteries. 2nd 3rd grade chapter book. ... czytaj dalej
About the Author. About the Book: Background, The Market, Scope, Coverage, Special Features. Second Edition. Acknowledgements. Dedication. 1. Introduction to Accounting. Introduction. Nature of Accounting... czytaj dalej