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Fair Value for Financial Reporting
King Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Is Purchase Price Equal to Fair Value? With the FASB changing the requirements for increasing categories of assets and liabilities to be shown at current fair value, Fair Value for Financial Reporting answers... czytaj dalej

H. Pinter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This play was first performed in 1960. Harold Pinter specializes in the tragicomedy of the breakdown of communication, broadly in the tradition of the theatre of the absurds and this is demonstrated in both... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Islam
Netton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This "Encyclopedia of Islamic Civilization and Religion" provides scholarly coverage of the religion, culture and history of the Islamic world, at a time when that world is undergoing considerable... czytaj dalej

Real Split in the International
G. Debord Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Exploding as politically revolutionary at the heart of the Paris 1968 uprisings, the Situationist International has proved a tenaciously compelling radical movement in terms of aesthetics and political theory... czytaj dalej

Doing Business in Czech Republic
Adam Jolly Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Revised to take account of the dynamic privatization programme undertaken by the Czech Republic since the break-up of Czechoslovakia in 1993, this edition provides businesses with a pragmatic guide describing... czytaj dalej

LGV Learner Driver's Guide
Miller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Obtaining a driving licence is now more complex and demanding than ever before. With higher standards for each of the theory, hazard perception and practical tests, candidates will need as much information... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of American Slang & Colloquial Expression
Richard Spears Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This comprehensive, easy-to-use reference defines and explains thousands of contemporary American slang and informal expressions -- terms and phrases often encountered in movies, on television, in the streets... czytaj dalej

Learning to be Confident Determined & Caring
K. Brunskill Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The four books in the series provide a whole-school value based programme for young people from five to twelve years of age. They help in the creation of well-being and resilience in students by introducing... czytaj dalej

WIPL-D Microwave Circuit & 3D EM Simulation For RF & Microwa
Kolundzija Wydawnictwo: inne

This new software package from the well-known WIPL-D product family offers electrical engineers a fast and accurate design and simulation tool for their projects involving microwave circuits, components, and... czytaj dalej

Brzoskwinia część 14
Miwa Ueda Wydawnictwo: Egmont

Manga o zawiłych perypetiach miłosnych grupy nastolatków.Zbliża się koniec roku i wakacje. Sae wpada w ogromne tarapaty, przez które może nie zaliczyć roku. Ryo, starszy brat Kairiego, załatwił jej pracę modelki... czytaj dalej