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Robert Smith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The wide-ranging debate brought about by the calculus reform movement has had a significant impact on calculus textbooks. In response to many of the questions and concerns surrounding this debate, the authors... czytaj dalej

Accounting Information Systems
M. Romney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For a first course in Accounting Information Systems or for a general introduction for advanced AIS courses and Information Systems courses.The market-leading book that delivers the most comprehensive and flexible... czytaj dalej

Mechanistic Modelling in Pig & Poultry Production
C. Fisher Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Based on papers presented at a symposium held in 2005 in South Africa, this book brings together the academic writings on modelling concepts, problems and applications of models and looks at the development... czytaj dalej

Surgical & Medical Treatment in Art
A. Emery Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A follow-up to "Medicine and Art", this book features over 65 illustrations ranging from Ancient Egypt and China to modern day contemporary artists like Susan MacFarlane and Leonardo da Vinci. It... czytaj dalej

Stanley Spencer
Bell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Stanley Spencer (1891-1959) is one of the outstanding painters of the twentieth century. Highly controversial and single-minded in the pursuit of his personal vision, he often suffered neglect and hostility... czytaj dalej

Ready or Not An All-American Girl Novel
M. Cabot Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

After saving the life of the president of the U.S., Maryland teenager Samantha Madison's own life has gotten a lot more complicated. The subject of sex seems to be popping up everywhere for Sam, from abstinence-obsessed... czytaj dalej

Swede Dreams
E. Apelqvist Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In order to get away from her annoying twin sister, and to be with her boyfriend who was a Swedish exchange student at her Wisconsin school, sixteen-year-old Calista spends a semester in Sweden, where she learns... czytaj dalej

Equity & Trusts
Haley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides students with a clear and current picture of the law of trusts and equity placing the subject in its modern context. It combines in depth commentary with critical analysis to give students... czytaj dalej

Shadow Garden
A. Matthews Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Matty Brand can see the spirits of the dead, and when she moves to Tagram House with her mother, her psychic powers reveal that two murdered children haunt the house. Matty realises that she must untangle the... czytaj dalej

Joasia i wilk
Ted Lobby Wydawnictwo: GWP

Wszystkie dzieci miewają złe sny. Aby uspokoić dziecko, zazwyczaj wystarcza je przytulić lub zaśpiewać mu kołysankę, lecz czasem koszmary są tak uporczywe, że musimy sięgnąć po inne metody działania.... czytaj dalej