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In this intriguing ethnography of a large American high-tech corporation, Gideon Kunda offers a critical analysis of its much celebrated "corporate culture." In his extensive study of the company's... czytaj dalej
The fourth edition of this successful introductory text has been fully revised and updated to include the latest organizational behaviour research and has a new chapter on 'Managing Knowledge'. The book contains... czytaj dalej
Investments is a mainstream, mid-level text for the first undergraduate course. Reilly and Norton cover the major topics logically and concisely, providing a strong base for those who want to do advanced work... czytaj dalej
How do you improve performance?It#146;s all about behaviour. The behaviours that accelerate, sustain or block better performance. Performance expert Robin Stuart-Kotze reveals the secrets of behavioural change... czytaj dalej
Ethan Kapstein documents how the new international economic order has torn huge holes in the welfare system, putting workers and the economy itself at risk. The founding premises of the post-World War II international... czytaj dalej
Magic Numbers for Consumer Marketing specifically describes key marketing measures commonly used in business. The book is designed to help marketers and non-marketers alike recognize the best measures to use... czytaj dalej
In today's global marketplace, companies are moving their sales forces away from a territory focus to a more account-based approach. This new view of account management focuses on the account, not the geographic... czytaj dalej
The study of government policy and public decision-making has experienced a renaissance in recent years as economists and political scientists have come together to form the new field of collective, or public... czytaj dalej
Problematyka tworzenia i rozwijania powiązań pomiędzy filiami korporacji transnarodowych i przedsiębiorstwami krajowymi, a także ich wpływ na procesy dyfuzji wiedzy i umiejętności nie zostały dotąd dokładnie... czytaj dalej
Autorzy szczegółowo, krok po roku pokazują, jak napisać profesjonalny plan marketingowy. Z tej książki dowiesz się: - od czego zacząć przygotowywanie planu marketingowego, - jakie informacje powinien zawierać... czytaj dalej