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Illustrated with color photographs of Hoffmann's masterpieces--on their own and as parts of interiors--this monograph focuses on significant aspects of Hoffmann's career: his early years as a member of the... czytaj dalej
1. Stan badań 1.1. Badania nad dziejami rzeźbiarzy i ich środowiska 1.2. Badania inwentarzowe i topograficzne materiału zabytkowego 1.3. Badania zjawisk stylowych w rzeźbie małopolskiej 2. Późnogotycka... czytaj dalej
"Malarstwo Józefa Brandta niejednokrotnie porównywano z rycersko-szlachecką epopeją stworzoną przez Henryka Sienkiewicza na kartach Trylogii, która przez ponad sto lat współtworzyła kanon patriotycznego... czytaj dalej
This fascinating look into the world of Mexico#8217;s most famous female artist introduces children to the themes that infused Kahlo#8217;s vibrant paintings, while demonstrating her brilliant gift for combining... czytaj dalej
From its eye-popping cover to the last page, this collection of optical illusion, hyperrealism, and visual puns is a fun and fascinating exploration of five centuries of trompe l#8217;oeil paintings. Each of... czytaj dalej
Clement Greenberg (1909-94) dominated the American art scene, and is still considered the most influential American art critic of the twentieth century. He was a major champion of Abstract Expressionism, discovering... czytaj dalej
Neorealizm nierozerwalnie kojarzy mi się z Rosselinim. Od Rzymu, miasta otwartego po Franciszka, kuglarza bożego, Rosselini zrobił ogromny krok w historii kina. Frederico Fellini... czytaj dalej
From his apartment window which has a view of downtown Manhattan in particular of the World Trade Center site one photographer documents the changing patterns of life in New York City before and after September... czytaj dalej
This is an introduction to British watercolours, featuring 100 of the best examples from the National Collection at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. The selection includes many of the greatest watercolours... czytaj dalej
This book focuses on the Ashburnham Pentateuch, an early medieval illuminated manuscript of the Old Testament whose pictures are among the earliest surviving and most extensive biblical illustrations. Dorothy... czytaj dalej