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Wina i nalewki lecznicze
Barbara Jakimowicz-Klein Wydawnictwo:

Wino z pieprzu lub z korzeni czerwonej papryki na uporczywy kaszel, orzechówka na schorzenia przewodu pokarmowego, a nalewka z dziurawca na dobry humor? Czy to jest możliwe? Oczywiście! Winami i nalewkami,... czytaj dalej

Dark Tower
King Wydawnictwo: inne

This volume sees gunslinger Roland on a roller-coaster mix of exhilarating triumph and aching loss in his unrelenting quest to reach the dark tower. A journey which means he must leave his faithful friends... czytaj dalej

Why War
Smith Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Why did America invade Iraq? Why do nations choose to fight certain wars and not others? How do we bring ourselves to believe that the sacrifice of our troops is acceptable? For most, the answers to these questions... czytaj dalej

Management Accounting 7e
Hansen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The study guide provides a detailed review of each chapter and allows students to check their understanding of the material through review questions and exercises. Specifically, students are provided with learning... czytaj dalej

Homer's Text & Language
Nagy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As Homer remains an indispensable figure in the canons of world literature, interpreting the Homeric text is a challenging and high stakes enterprise. There are untold numbers of variations, imitations, alternate... czytaj dalej

Cabin Pressurization
Burton Wydawnictwo: inne

Part of a series of books which cover all aspects of the technical subjects which must be understood and successfully examined to pass the Basic Commercial Pilot's Licence and the full Commercial Pilot's Licence... czytaj dalej

Fourberies de Scapin
Molier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Branle-bas de combat dans les ruelles napolitaines ! Octave a, en secret, épousé Hyacinthe, la jeune femme qu'il aime, mais voilŕ que son pčre a décidé ŕ son tour de le marier ŕ une inconnue ; quant ŕ Léandre... czytaj dalej

Life & Work of Harold Pinter
M. Billington Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A biography of the playwright Harold Pinter and a study of his work as writer, actor and director. His political beliefs are viewed from the perspective of his life, which he began as an only child in Hackney... czytaj dalej

Nur Du Hast Den Schlussel
T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Der dritte Band in der erfolgreichen Reihe der Johnny-Maxwell-Bücher bietet jede Menge Spaß und Unterhaltung vom Meister der fantastischen und respektlosen Geistesblitze. Einmal mehr hebt Tony Pratchett in... czytaj dalej

Athletic Strength for Women
D. Healy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text provides conditioning advice and training techniques specific to the physiological, biomechanical and anatomical needs of female athletes. It features exercises and drills to increase strength, power... czytaj dalej