N. Salvadori

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Gatunki literackie: Ekonomia

N. Salvadori - popularne książki: Classical Neoclassical & Keynesian Views on Growth & Distrib, Innovation Unemployoment & Policy,

N. Salvadori - najnowsze książki: Innovation Unemployoment & Policy, Classical Neoclassical & Keynesian Views on Growth & Distrib,

8 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

N. Salvadori - twórczość

Okładka - Innovation Unemployoment & Policy
Innovation Unemployoment & Policy

Innovation, Unemployment and Policy in the Theories of Growth and Distribution increases our understanding about the more relevant economic determinants and policy aspects of the interdependence between economic...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Classical Neoclassical & Keynesian Views on Growth & Distrib
Classical Neoclassical & Keynesian Views on Growth & Distrib

This book reconsiders and analyses the different approaches historically proposed in the literature on growth and distribution. The contributors have achieved, through a comprehensive and cohesive analysis...czytaj dalej
