Mi Young Noh

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Gatunki literackie: Komiksy

Mi Young Noh - popularne książki: Threads of Time tom 5, Threads of Time tom 10, Threads of Time tom 2, Threads of Time tom 6, Threads of Time tom 1,

Mi Young Noh - najnowsze książki: Threads of Time tom 11, Threads of Time tom 10, Threads of Time tom 9, Threads of Time tom 8, Threads of Time tom 7,

Średnia ocena książek Mi Young Noh: 4.91/6

11 osób przeczytało książki autora

20 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Mi Young Noh - twórczość

Okładka - Threads of Time tom 3
Threads of Time tom 3

As the Mongolian army threatens the prestigious Koryo army, Sa-Le-Ta-Yi givesKoryo an ultimatum: Serve under the Mongolian army or go to war....czytaj dalej

Okładka - Threads of Time tom 2
Threads of Time tom 2

Once again in the command of men, civilian militiamen as they are, Moon-Bin demonstrates deft leadership in driving away Mongol soldiers. However, his popularity is growing and one of the fleeing soldiers recognizes...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Threads of Time tom 1
Threads of Time tom 1

High school student Moon Bin Lee has difficulty sleeping due to a recurring nightmare: he's stranded over a thousand years in the past chasing a dark-haired girl into a deep abyss. Before long, the nightmare...czytaj dalej
