Jin Kobayashi

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Gatunki literackie: Komiksy

Jin Kobayashi - popularne książki: School Rumble tom 12, School Rumble tom 6, School Rumble tom 14, School Rumble tom 3, School Rumble tom 8,

Jin Kobayashi - najnowsze książki: School Rumble tom 14, School Rumble tom 13, School Rumble tom 12, School Rumble tom 11, School Rumble tom 10,

Średnia ocena książek Jin Kobayashi: 4.86/6

7 osób przeczytało książki autora

23 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Jin Kobayashi - twórczość

Okładka - School Rumble tom 6
School Rumble tom 6

The school athletics fair is meant to be a celebration of youth and fitness, but personal grudges, haughty attitudes, and long-standing rivalries have turned healthy competition into all-out war! Will Tsukomoto...czytaj dalej

Okładka - School Rumble tom 5
School Rumble tom 5

Harima Kenji has tried everything he can think of to attract his cute, but dim, classmate Tsukamoto Tenma. This time he’s grown his beard to enormous lengths. But one snip of the scissors by wealthy beauty...czytaj dalej

Okładka - School Rumble tom 4
School Rumble tom 4

Cute Tsukamoto Tenma is desperately trying to help juvenile delinquent classmate Harima Kenji win the girl of his dreams: Tenma's friend Mikoto. But when Tenma hears Kenji say "I love you" to someone else,...czytaj dalej

Okładka - School Rumble tom 3
School Rumble tom 3

Love (in the form of Tsukamoto Tenma) betrayed Harima Kenji, but he has moved on in an effort to find himself. He’s become a fortune teller who can communicate with animals. Some even mistake him for...czytaj dalej

Okładka - School Rumble tom 2
School Rumble tom 2

Harima Kenji has never lost a fight, but his love for the clueless Tsukamoto Tenma is proving to be his greatest challenge. After catching his cherished Tenma-chan and an unexpected rival in a lunchtime tryst...czytaj dalej

Okładka - School Rumble tom 1
School Rumble tom 1

Tsukamoto Tenma zakochała się w rówieśniku o imieniu Karasuma jednak nie potrafi wyznać mu swojego uczucia. Pomimo starań, chłopak nawet jej nie zauważa. Jednocześnie, niejaki Harima Kenji zabiega o jej względy...czytaj dalej
