Jim Haskins

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Gatunki literackie: Literatura piękna

Jim Haskins - popularne książki: Get on Board the Story of the Underground Railroad, Black Eagles African Americans in Aviation,

Jim Haskins - najnowsze książki: Black Eagles African Americans in Aviation, Get on Board the Story of the Underground Railroad,

5 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Jim Haskins - twórczość

Okładka - Black Eagles African Americans in Aviation
Black Eagles African Americans in Aviation

Shares the heroic history of notable African Americans who have made names for themselves in the field of aviation, from the first days of flight to the space program, and describes their struggles with racism....czytaj dalej

Okładka - Get on Board the Story of the Underground Railroad
Get on Board the Story of the Underground Railroad

Award-winning author Jim Haskins tells the story of the Underground Railroad. This colorful history weaves together personal stories, historical material, and letters of "conductors" and "stationmasters"...czytaj dalej
