J. Huener

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Gatunki literackie: Socjologia, filozofia

J. Huener - popularne książki: Auschwitz Poland & the Politics of Commemoration 1945-1979,

J. Huener - najnowsze książki: Auschwitz Poland & the Politics of Commemoration 1945-1979,

4 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

J. Huener - twórczość

Okładka - Auschwitz Poland & the Politics of Commemoration 1945-1979
Auschwitz Poland & the Politics of Commemoration 1945-1979

Few places in the world carry as heavy a burden of history as Auschwitz. Recognized and remembered as the most prominent site of Nazi crimes, Auschwitz has had tremendous symbolic weight in the postwar world...czytaj dalej
