I. Ali Khan

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Gatunki literackie: Medycyna i zdrowie, Popularnonaukowe

I. Ali Khan - popularne książki: Modern & Alternative Medicine for Diabetes, Biotechnology In the Welfare Of Mankind v 1, Role of Biotechnology In Medicinal & Aromatic Plants v14,

I. Ali Khan - najnowsze książki: Role of Biotechnology In Medicinal & Aromatic Plants v14, Biotechnology In the Welfare Of Mankind v 1, Modern & Alternative Medicine for Diabetes,

7 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

I. Ali Khan - twórczość

Okładka - Role of Biotechnology In Medicinal & Aromatic Plants v14
Role of Biotechnology In Medicinal & Aromatic Plants v14

Plants are nature's remedies and have been used on the earth for food and medicine since ancient times and Indian herbs have gathered a fan following world over, because of their simple healing powers. There...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Biotechnology In the Welfare Of Mankind v 1
Biotechnology In the Welfare Of Mankind v 1

Biotechnology has affected all the major domains of human activity and welfare ranging from agriculture to medicine and environment. It has developed into an important force in the creation of employment, production...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Modern & Alternative Medicine for Diabetes
Modern & Alternative Medicine for Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus which was initially described as a single disease entity is now regarded as a heterogeneous group of diseases that share the phenotype of hyperglycaemia, which in simple terms is increased...czytaj dalej


I. Ali Khan - wiadomości
