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Gatunki literackie: Inne, Medycyna i zdrowie

Fletcher - popularne książki: Art of Looking Sideways, Picturing & Poeting, Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors 2 vols 3e, Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors 2 vols 2e,

Fletcher - najnowsze książki: Picturing & Poeting, Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors 2 vols 2e, Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors 2 vols 3e, Art of Looking Sideways,

15 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Fletcher - twórczość

Okładka - Picturing & Poeting
Picturing & Poeting

"The title of this book is a remark allegedly made by Kurt Schwitters to an acquaintance when asked what he was going to do that day. Frankly, considering his poor command of English, it seems unlikely...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors 2 vols 2e
Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors 2 vols 2e

Presenting the newly revised and updated edition of Fletcher's renowned Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors . This extensively referenced 2-volume work, is unique in its coverage of the subject, providing comprehensive...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors 2 vols 3e
Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors 2 vols 3e

Up to date and comprehensive, the New Edition of Fletcher's renowned Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors provides you with today's best knowledge on the pathologic diagnosis of human tumors. This 3rd edition...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Art of Looking Sideways
Art of Looking Sideways

The Art of Looking Sideways is a primer in visual intelligence, an exploration of the workings of the eye, the hand, the brain and the imagination. It is an inexhaustible mine of anecdotes, quotations, images...czytaj dalej
