
E. Leonard

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Gatunki literackie: Socjologia, filozofia

E. Leonard - popularne książki: Lincolns Avengers, Onset of Global Governance,

E. Leonard - najnowsze książki: Onset of Global Governance, Lincolns Avengers,

9 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

E. Leonard - twórczość

Okładka - Onset of Global Governance
Onset of Global Governance

Assessing the formation process of the International Criminal Court (ICC), this study provides a fuller and richer understanding of this institution. It does so by adopting three analytical approaches: neoliberal...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Lincolns Avengers
Lincolns Avengers

Elizabeth D. Leonard tells the dramatic story of the assassination, the roundup of suspects, and the ensuing trials of those involved in the crimes of April 14. Judge Advocate General Joseph Holt - a Kentuckian...czytaj dalej
