D. Sibley

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Gatunki literackie: Medycyna i zdrowie, Socjologia, filozofia

D. Sibley - popularne książki: Handbook of Contemporary Neuropharmacology 3 vols, Cultural Geography,

D. Sibley - najnowsze książki: Handbook of Contemporary Neuropharmacology 3 vols, Cultural Geography,

7 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

D. Sibley - twórczość

Okładka - Handbook of Contemporary Neuropharmacology 3 vols
Handbook of Contemporary Neuropharmacology 3 vols

Written and edited by recognized experts, this comprehensive reference is also available online via Wiley InterScience. It provides a readily accessible reference for students, professionals and libraries alike...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Cultural Geography
Cultural Geography

As geography has been influenced by such themes as postcolonial studies, feminism and psychoanalysis, so students have had to engage with ideas and concepts from outside the traditional boundaries of their...czytaj dalej
