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Gatunki literackie: Socjologia, filozofia

Bulliet - popularne książki: Earth & Its Peoples, Earth & Its Peoples Complete vol.B, Earth & Its Peoples Complete vol.2,

Bulliet - najnowsze książki: Earth & Its Peoples, Earth & Its Peoples Complete vol.2, Earth & Its Peoples Complete vol.B,

11 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Bulliet - twórczość

Okładka - Earth & Its Peoples
Earth & Its Peoples

The Earth and Its Peoples was one of the first texts to present world history in a balanced, global framework, shifting the focus away from political centers of power. This truly global text for the world history...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Earth & Its Peoples Complete vol.2
Earth & Its Peoples Complete vol.2

Although this brief edition is two-thirds the length of its full-length counterpart, it retains coverage of all major themes and maintains the authors' commitment to providing a truly global perspective on...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Earth & Its Peoples Complete vol.B
Earth & Its Peoples Complete vol.B

Contains learning objectives, chapter outlines (with space for students' notes on particular sections), key-term identifications, short answer and essay questions, map exercises, and 'comparison charts' which...czytaj dalej
