Yuki Shimizu

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Gatunki literackie: Komiksy

Yuki Shimizu - popularne książki: Ze tom 9, Kachou Fuugetsu tom 1, Ze tom 11, Ze Kami no Hon, Kachou Fuugetsu tom 2,

Yuki Shimizu - najnowsze książki: Kachou Fuugetsu tom 2, Kachou Fuugetsu tom 1, Ze Kami no Hon, Ze tom 11, Ze tom 10,

Średnia ocena książek Yuki Shimizu: 4.25/6

13 osób przeczytało książki autora

21 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Yuki Shimizu - twórczość

Okładka - Kachou Fuugetsu tom 2
Kachou Fuugetsu tom 2

Itokawa has just moved out to his deceased grandfathers house. After being told that the house has been kept up while his grandfather has pass away he is in for a rude awakening when he gets there. He meets...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Kachou Fuugetsu tom 1
Kachou Fuugetsu tom 1

Itokawa właśnie przeprowadził się do domu swojego zmarłego dziadka. Pomimo faktu, że został poinformowany o tym, że pod jego nieobecność ktoś zajął się domem to i tak czeka go nie lada niespodzianka. Ale dzięki...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Ze Kami no Hon
Ze Kami no Hon

Featuring events such as Genma being immature and making Ryuusei drink more than he can handle, Himi begging Genma until his anger subdues, Asari teasing Shoui, and Waki trepassing into Raizou’s bedroom...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Ze tom 11
Ze tom 11

There are different ways to love someone. Some relationships are painful. Some are bittersweet. Some are warm and beautiful. What would it be for Waki, the man who held the Kami sama together for all these...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Ze tom 10
Ze tom 10

When master of puppets Waki tumbles headfirst into the strange and sunny world of a wild man whose spirit burns like a flame, he suspects nothing will ever be the same! Can magic, mayhem, love, and death peaceably coexist?...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Ze tom 9
Ze tom 9

Shoui has long prepared himself for the day when Asari must go away. But does their extraordinary bond go beyond mere tradition? Can a sweet, sacred promise, and shared feelings conjure a true miracle? Ze binds...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Ze tom 8
Ze tom 8

Within the venerable Mitou Family are born powerful Kotodama who possess the power to both control and hurt others with their words. In turn, they are controlled by their Kamisama, the ones who will take any...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Ze tom 7
Ze tom 7

Konoe has been assigned to a new partner, Kotoha. The smallest and youngest of the family power - he's still so little he's been locked up in a small room in the back of the compound. This is because Kotoha's...czytaj dalej
