Fourteen volumes, almost three-thousand pages, an internationally popular anime, and one of the most recognizable characters in the genre: this is the saga of Vash the Stampede. For the past decade, Trigun...czytaj dalej
The stage is set for the chaotic climax to this nonstop thrill ride Vash the Stampede has seen a li.......czytaj dalej
With a fleet of rescue ships from Earth facing off against Knives, the humans in chaos on the ground, Livio renewing his struggle against Elendira, and Vash trying to keep everyone from getting hurt, Trigun...czytaj dalej
With so many intense scenes and watershed moments taking place in volume eleven of Trigun Maximum, it's next to impossible to write descriptive solicitation text. But readers have come to expect excellent action...czytaj dalej
If ever there was an intense volume of Trigun, "Wolfwood" would at least be its equal. Since the day Vash spotted his decimated soul in the middle of the desert, Nicholas Wolfwood has become a favorite of fans...czytaj dalej
This is the story of Nicholas Wolfwood and Livio, two boys for whom friendship was brief, but still burned deep into their boyhood conciences. But those bits and pieces, though full of light, are mere shadows...czytaj dalej
Okay, now this is just getting scary. Knives has imprisoned Vash, and now he's going around gathering plants. By plants, I don't mean green things growing out of the ground, but instead those angelic, humanoid...czytaj dalej
Unlike the subtitle of this new installment of Trigun Maximum, our hero, Vash the Stampede isn’t exactly experiencing the happiest of days. Rather, his struggle with his brother-in-destruction, Knives...czytaj dalej