One of the best reviewed books of 1994, the Newbery author's novel follows five generations of one African-American family from Africa to a South Carolina plantation through the Civil War, the end of segregation...czytaj dalej
A 17-year-old Harlem native whose college dreams fall through, Perry volunteers for Vietnam completely unprepared for the death, pain, and prejudice he finds there. As he walks a daily tightrope between boredom...czytaj dalej
Jimmy hasn't seen his father in nine years. But one day he comes back -- on the run from the law. Together, the two of them travel across the country -- where Jimmy's dad will find the man who can exonerate...czytaj dalej
This digest-sized edition of the poignant and powerful novel from the award-winning author explores how a young boy's life is forever changed when he meets his father, a convicted criminal. "Myers has...czytaj dalej