Soji Shimada

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Soji Shimada - twórczość

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Cytaty Autora

The typical Japanese city looks so boring and lacking in character; every new building looks like a factory or a prison. Surrounded by mortared walls and cut-out windows, people appear to have chosen to live in graveyards. The popularity of Western-style construction didn't last very long; perhaps it didn't really fit the Japanese climate. in summer, people preferred to leave their windows open in order to reduce the heat and humidity indoors. In order to protect their privacy, they piled concrete blocks around their homes. But as


Oh, policemen are all the same. They think because they're cops they're all-powerful, and they run around acting like shogun, like it's still the age of feudalism. The sister didn't consult her brother before disclosing their father's secret to a stranger. That must have infuriated him - prewar protocol violated in modern society.

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