When Aoi receives a video tape from the current gang leader showing the kidnapped and captured Junki being raped, we see the ever-calm Chihiro finally losing his cool as long-buried tensions and sexual frustrations...czytaj dalej
As a lucky guy with nothing but an intimidating scar, Aoi Ichimura comes to love his fellow Yakuza deeply. The story delves into the internal strife of The Hanagumi and its shocking business operated secretly...czytaj dalej
Aoi Ichimura is a member of the Yakuza family known as The Hanagumi ("The Flower Clan"). Aoi has a reputation as a tough macho-man with guts to spare, but in reality he's just a timid guy with incredibly good...czytaj dalej
Co doprowadziło do obsesji Yasushi na punkcie Nakano? Kiedy mężczyzna uświadamia sobie, że go kocha, pojawia się jego była dziewczyna. Jak zareaguje Nakano?...czytaj dalej