S. Wormell

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Gatunki literackie: Podróżnicze, Literatura piękna

S. Wormell - popularne książki: Big Ugly Monster & the Little Stone Rabbit, Poland Pallas Athena,

S. Wormell - najnowsze książki: Poland Pallas Athena, Big Ugly Monster & the Little Stone Rabbit,

7 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

S. Wormell - twórczość

Okładka - Poland Pallas Athena
Poland Pallas Athena

The vast medieval castles of the Teutonic Knights, primeval forests with Europe's only bison, untouched Renaissance model towns, lively folk traditions in the Tatra mountains - these are only some of the unexpected...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Big Ugly Monster & the Little Stone Rabbit
Big Ugly Monster & the Little Stone Rabbit

'Once, in a cave, there lived a horrible ugly monster. Perhaps the most horrible and ugly monster in the whole world.'So ugly is the monster that lives in this cave that he can turn a blue sky to snow and evaporate...czytaj dalej
