S. Sullivan

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Gatunki literackie: Literatura piękna

S. Sullivan - popularne książki: Warrior's Heart, Dying Kingdoms 2,

S. Sullivan - najnowsze książki: Warrior's Heart, Dying Kingdoms 2,

5 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

S. Sullivan - twórczość

Okładka - Warrior's Heart
Warrior's Heart

Catriona Goodlund was born to be a warrior. Now, after years on the road to knighthood, protecting and saving her friends, it#8217; s time for Cat to face the secrets of her past and finally decide her future...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Dying Kingdoms 2
Dying Kingdoms 2

Nearra and her friends travel to the mysterious forgotten kingdom of Arngrim in hopes that the wizards known as the Scarlet Brethren can help restore her memory, only to find themselves caught up in a dangerous plot. ...czytaj dalej
