P. Evans

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Gatunki literackie: Albumy, Inne

P. Evans - popularne książki: Forms Folds & Sizes, Extraordinary Graphics for Unusual Surfaces,

P. Evans - najnowsze książki: Forms Folds & Sizes, Extraordinary Graphics for Unusual Surfaces,

8 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

P. Evans - twórczość

Okładka - Forms Folds & Sizes
Forms Folds & Sizes

Forms, Folds and Sizes will be the book that is always next to a designer?s computer. Completely practical with only the most needed information, this book will provide designers with all the little details...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Extraordinary Graphics for Unusual Surfaces
Extraordinary Graphics for Unusual Surfaces

Everything that's for sale, which is everything in our material world, is packaged in some way, often twice. There is the physical packaging that we throw away, and the 'packaging' that remains a part of the...czytaj dalej
