Margaret Doody

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Gatunki literackie: Literatura piękna

Margaret Doody - popularne książki: Aristotle & Poetic Jusitce, Aristotle and Poetic Justice, Poison in Athens, Mysteries of Eleusis,

Margaret Doody - najnowsze książki: Aristotle and Poetic Justice, Mysteries of Eleusis, Poison in Athens, Aristotle & Poetic Jusitce,

12 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Margaret Doody - twórczość

Okładka - Aristotle and Poetic Justice
Aristotle and Poetic Justice

Kryminalna powieść antycznych Aten....czytaj dalej

Okładka - Mysteries of Eleusis
Mysteries of Eleusis

In the winter of 330-329 BC Athens itself suffers a series of alarming thefts and home robberies. The great philosopher Aristotle helps his former student Stephanos investigate a break-in and brutal murder...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Poison in Athens
Poison in Athens

It is the autumn of 330 BC, and three law cases are exciting Athens: the malicious wounding of a wealthy citizen; a bizarre murder by hemlock; and an accusation of impiety against the courtesan Phryne. The...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Aristotle & Poetic Jusitce
Aristotle & Poetic Jusitce

330BC: it is the year that Alexander the Great sacked Persepolis and won the greatest fortune the world had ever known. The night of the Silent Dinner when Athens placates the spirits of the dead passes with...czytaj dalej
