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Mackenzie - popularne książki: New Buddhist Movements in Thailand, Victorian Vision the Inventing New Britain,

Mackenzie - najnowsze książki: New Buddhist Movements in Thailand, Victorian Vision the Inventing New Britain,

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Okładka - New Buddhist Movements in Thailand
New Buddhist Movements in Thailand

Vastly different in belief and practice, two new Buddhist religious movements in Thailand, namely the Wat Phra Dhammakaya and Santi Asoke emerged in Thailand in the 1970s at a time of political uncertainty...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Victorian Vision the Inventing New Britain
Victorian Vision the Inventing New Britain

By the time Queen Victoria died in 1901, transport, communications, the global economy, and many aspects of social life were recognisably similar to those of our own day. These revolutionary developments are...czytaj dalej
