Train Heartnet, also known as "Black Cat," was an infamous assassin for a secret organization called Chronos...until he abandoned that cold-blooded existence to live on his own terms as an easygoing bounty...czytaj dalej
Train Heartnet, also known as "Black Cat," was an infamous assassin for a secret organization called Chronos...until he abandoned that cold-blooded existence to live on his own terms as an easygoing bounty...czytaj dalej
Train Heartnet, also known as "Black Cat," was an infamous assassin for a secret organization called Chronos...until he abandoned that cold-blooded existence to live on his own terms as an easygoing bounty...czytaj dalej
Train Heartnet, also known as "Black Cat," was an infamous assassin for a secret organization called Chronos...until he abandoned that cold-blooded existence to live on his own terms as an easygoing bounty...czytaj dalej
Volume 15: Eve in Battle Chapters: 132: "The First Encounter" 133: "Let's Defy Gravity" 134: "There is a Way" 135: "I'll Risk My Fist!" 136: "Engulfing Winds" 137: "Eve's Intense Battle" 138: "Eve in Midair"...czytaj dalej
Volume 14: Recruiting Allies! Chapters: 123: "Sweeper Vs. Sweeper" 124: "Information Monger" 125: "Access CD" 126: "Nightmare City" 127: "Exam Room" 128: "Gathering Place" 129: "Alliance Formed!" 130: "Danger...czytaj dalej
Volume 13: Dear Friend Chapters: 114: "The Time of Decision" 115: "The Sweeper Woman" 116: "The Price of Freedom" 117: "Reflect Shot" 118: "One Last Act of Courage" 119: "Dear Friend" 120: "To the Coffee Shop"...czytaj dalej
Volume 12: The New Weapon Chapters: 104: "Train and Sven Disagree" 105: "Sephiria's Call" 106: "A Heart Tested" 107: "The Way Back" 108: "Targeted House" 109: "The New Apostle" 110: "Attack! Counterattack!"...czytaj dalej