Katarzyna Jagielska

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Gatunki literackie: Socjologia, filozofia

Katarzyna Jagielska - popularne książki: Senior in the social and media spaces. Examples of Visegrád Group countries,

Katarzyna Jagielska - najnowsze książki: Senior in the social and media spaces. Examples of Visegrád Group countries,

9 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

Katarzyna Jagielska - twórczość

Okładka - Senior in the social and media spaces. Examples of Visegrád Group countries
Senior in the social and media spaces. Examples of Visegrád Group countries

Man living in the modern world is constantly exposed to changes: social, cultural, economic, technological, etc. According to Piotr Sztompka, the perceived changes concern primarily the transformations taking...czytaj dalej
