K. Crossley-Holland

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Gatunki literackie: Literatura piękna

K. Crossley-Holland - popularne książki: Arthur Trilogy book 1 Seeing Stone, Arthur Trilogy #2 At the Crossing-Places,

K. Crossley-Holland - najnowsze książki: Arthur Trilogy #2 At the Crossing-Places, Arthur Trilogy book 1 Seeing Stone,

6 osób chce przeczytać książki autora

K. Crossley-Holland - twórczość

Okładka - Arthur Trilogy #2 At the Crossing-Places
Arthur Trilogy #2 At the Crossing-Places

Now in the year 1200, fourteen-year-old narrator Arthur leaves his home at Caldicot to serve as squire to Sir Stephen, who plans to join the Fourth Crusade. Arthur's life is filled with honing his fighting...czytaj dalej

Okładka - Arthur Trilogy book 1 Seeing Stone
Arthur Trilogy book 1 Seeing Stone

Let your child experience medieval life through the eyes of a young boy named after King Arthur. In Book 1 of a planned trilogy based on Arthurian legend, family friend Merlin gives Arthur a magical stone in...czytaj dalej
